Tuesday 7 July 2009

When it rains....

The weather yesterday was what i would consider typically English, i woke to glorious sunshine, by dinner time i would describe the weather as a monsoon. It came down for an hour really heavy, flooded everything in sight, then after an hour was glorious, (repeat as necessary all day from this point).

It was during one of the more epic monsoons during this day that it happened! Smallest, wet from our dash to safety from the car, climbed the stairs and fell putting his teeth through his lip. Joy oh Joy! The ensuing debacle would have been funny, maybe, if it was on a sitcom or something but having it happen to me, well not so funny when your the one wearing the shoe. 3 hours up at the walk in center only to have to leave to collect our other kids from school without actually being seen.

I woke this morning took a look at his lip and thought shit I'm going to have to take him to the Dr this morning. So to the doctors we went, who then sent us to the accident and emergency department, at this point i was absolutely pissed! Last time i went to the A & E the waiting time was 6 hours. Lo and behold we were in and out within half an hour, 1 nurse, 1 Jr doctor and a pediatrician later and we were on our way home, sporting a clean but really fat lip and a enormous bottle of anti biotic syrup. Thank you whoever was listening to my prayers, today was a significantly better day than yesterday.

Sunday 5 July 2009

Lovely neighbours...

We had new neighbors move in down the street quite a while ago now and although to begin with they were wonderful, quiet,considerate etc, the last 2 months they have been the neighbors from hell. This morning they woke me at half past one in the morning swearing and shouting, it appears to be a regular thing as last Saturday they were still playing loud music at 3 in the morning! ARGGHHH! Why do some people care only about themselves, i know they don't know alot of us well in the street but what the hell happened to Common curtesy? I've always gone by the creed to treat others how i would wish to be treated, it's a damn shame no one else seems to give a shit.

Friday 3 July 2009

Summer heat

It is scorching, 7.05am and it is scorching, how can that be so? I'm living in England; the land of weather inclement, obviously mother nature has got her wires crossed somewhere. We were actually hotter here than in Mexico city yesterday, or so the weather girl on my local radio station informs me. On the upside my vegetable garden is thriving, my pumpkin plants are making a bid for world domination i think, they are absolutely enormous, i had no idea when i planted them that they required so much space to grow. Note to self: when planting pumpkins next year give lots and lots of room!

On a totally unrelated note, there is only two more weeks until my children break up for the school holidays, how on earth has that come around so quickly again? This year they have seven weeks and 3 days off too. My husband is working most of it, and i have a decided lack of funds to do days out with them. Although truthfully it's a real struggle to take all 4 of them out on my own especially as i don't drive.
Better start my prayers, the first item on the list will be to pray for inner serenity i think!

Thursday 14 May 2009

half assed up date.....

As the title suggests that's exactly what this is...I have been obscenely busy although when i think back i can't recall exactly what has been eating up all my time. I started an educational course, re landscaped the back garden, tiled the kitchen floors, got smallest into a nursery, potty trained smallest (although this is still under development), and help eldest prepare for this years sats oh yes and i went on holiday. Looking at that made me remember what i have been doing! So yes i've been busy and i let this slide Oops!

Sunday 1 February 2009

Over a month again, in fact it's nearly been two!! Christmas went off without a hitch, the children were suitably impressed with Santa's leavings. My birthday has been and gone 27 now, i feel older somehow though almost as though i have lived twice my years. And as per my previous entries i am up reeaallllly early smallest child is upchucking! Don't feel to sharp myself truthfully. Add that to the sick in my hair, hmm lovely.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

A little while later.........

So it's been a while almost a month, Christmas is done for everyone now, thank goddess. The decorations and tree went up not long ago. All I've got left to do is plan my yule ritual, not entirely sure what I'll be up to yet. On a completely different note there's a new shop opened near me called spell casters, yep an honest to goddess witchy shop i was so excited when i went in yesterday, they've got candles, dowsing pendulums, tarots cards, incense, the works. It was lovely, i hope they do a brisk trade and stay open it would be a real shame to see them close. Ok things to do and more things to do, hopefully I'll do another entry before yule!

Sunday 23 November 2008

snow glow.......

It snowed in the night here last night,and at about 5am this morning the light from my window woke me, I thought it was later than it was. When I came down stairs I looked in my back garden and there is about 1/2 an inch of snow, the luminosity of which woke me this morning. I didn't mind getting up though as i had a little peace before the children woke for the day.